
3D Animation & Motion Design

We turn products and ideas into stunning visual experiences your customers can easily engage with. Make the complex simple and the simple spectacular


  • 3d Animation : From detailed 3d product showcases to thrilling sports animations for broadcast, as standalone pieces or as part of a live production.
  • Motion Graphics: From title sequences for broadcast to explainer graphics, we seamlessly blend 3D and 2D.
  • Comprehensive Workflow: Our decades-long expertise in design, modelling, rigging, and animation has meant we’ve been involved in a diverse range of projects, from characters to engineered products, environments, brand stories and abstract concepts.
  • VFX simulations: By leveraging the power of Houdini, we can mimic the behaviour of natural phenomena such as fluids, particle behaviours, cloths, and rigid and soft bodies.
  • Efficient Production Capability: Our in-house GPU render farm, scalable through Thinkbox Deadline, supports quick turnarounds of high-quality outputs. Regardless of your project's scale.
  • Adaptability and Consultation: We also provide a tailored consultancy service, ensuring that the final output aligns with your strategic marketing goals, whether it's for digital platforms, broadcast, or interactive installations.
  • AI assisted execution: Our pipeline is supported with AI tools that streamline animation processes. By automating tasks, from refining motion capture data, and texture and model generation, AI enables our team to dedicate more time to creative and complex aspects of production. This blend of technology and artistry means we are able to hit your production deadline and budget, everytime.



Step 1. Discovery

Who is your audience? What do you need them to know? And how can animation help simplify or dramatise that message?

These questions set our creative minds in motion and together we explore initial ideas and the best ways to execute them.

Step 2. Development

Once the idea and execution are agreed, and scripts and storyboards are in place, we dive into production.

This covers everything from modelling, rigging and 3d animation, to VFX, lighting, rendering and compositing – and all steps in between.

We draw on our in-house R&D for innovation, to keep things creatively fresh and technically current.



Step 3. Delivery

Now we apply the finishing touches, such as grade and sound design.

And we’re ready to export, encode and deliver the final piece, to the exact sizes and specifications you need.

There is no challenge we haven’t risen to - from delivering over 200 deliverables for Euroleague to four 8k videos as part of the R&A projection mapping show.

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location marker
Bristol, England
Matter, Microplastic Filtration
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location marker
St. Andrews, Scotland
R&A The Open Titles 2022
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